How Do We Define Success?
In the Art Studio (October 2024)
As I wrap up another year of my art business, I often reflect on my professional and personal life. I think about the accomplishments I’ve made, all the beautiful oopses that I learned from, and most importantly, my hopes and aspirations for the coming year.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be successful. How does society define success? How do the people closest to me define success? How do I define success?
I recently saw my family over the summer who now mostly live in the Tampa, Florida area. I was sitting outside one night with my dad catching up on life, enjoying some very heavy-duty drinks as we like to do. He was talking about how successful my brother is, and then he said something to the effect of “and you, you’re kinda successful, or getting there.” He is an amazing dad in so many ways, and I know in his mind, he was giving me a compliment in his very eastern European, manly sort of way.
As much as I knew his intentions were good, it stung a bit.
So, then I wondered, am I “kinda” successful? What does that even mean? I changed careers, followed my passion of becoming a working artist and art educator. I’m living my most fulfilling life that feeds my heart and soul and making a living doing it. People are connecting with my work on deep levels; my paintings are providing a sense of peace and healing for many. Isn’t that success?
And then I realized that most of society, including most people who are intertwined in my own life, define success solely based on money. If you make a lot of money, you are successful. If you don’t, you’re not. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that people value other things in life such as family and friends, but it seems to me that those things are not related to success. This is where I see things differently.
So I am choosing to redefine success, at least for myself. I do not accept that success is money. I instead believe that true inner happiness in life and a deeper sense of purpose is success. Sharing the gifts and talents that were given to you with others is success. Living your life by being true to yourself and your passions is success.
If you are like me and have questioned your own success, stop it for Pete’s sake, you’re doing great.